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Foreign language

At Montfort Learning we offer group and one-on-one tutoring classes for all age students who want to learn a foreign language course: Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4, French 1, 2, 3, and English as a Second Language. Check out our schedule located in the top menu. Most high schools offer several years of foreign language–typically Spanish, French, German, and Mandarin Chinese. Sometimes these language classes are mandatory, other times they are electives–but you should take advantage of these courses.

Additionally, many colleges require a certain number of years of a foreign language before you can be admitted–or if you lack that, you’ll be required to take several foreign language courses once you attend their school. At a college or university, even more languages will be offered–oftentimes taught by a native speaker–and you can even major or minor in one of them!

When it comes to learning a second language, the earlier you start the better off you’ll be. Studies have shown that the younger a child learns a language, the better they will both understand and be able to speak it. But just in case your elementary school didn’t offer First Grade Spanish, high school is a great place to start as well. Student’s brain also improves a lot once they start learning another language. Psychologists from York University in Canada, discovered that students who learn a foreign language get higher scores in their courses and tests. Specially in categories such as math and vocabulary.

SPANISH 1, 2, 3, 4, Advanced Placement: This course encourages interpersonal communication through speaking and writing, providing opportunities to make and respond to basic requests and questions, understand and use appropriate greetings and forms of address, participate in brief guided conversations on familiar topics, and write short passages with guidance. This course also emphasizes the development of reading and listening comprehension skills, such as reading isolated words and phrases in a situational context and comprehending brief written or oral directions. Additionally, students will examine the practices, products and perspectives of Spanish-speaking culture; recognize basic routine practices of the target culture; and recognize and use situation-appropriate non-verbal communication. This course further emphasizes making connections across content areas and the application of understanding Spanish language and culture outside of the classroom.

FRENCH 1, 2, 3: Through the wide-ranging topics, students learn to express themselves using an ever-increasing vocabulary, present and past tense verbs, articles, adjectives, and increasingly complex grammatical structures. Grammar is introduced and practiced in innovative and interesting ways with a variety of learning styles in mind. Culture is sprinkled throughout the course to help the learner focus on the culture, people, geographical locations and histories of the French-speaking world.

Listening - Students will understand the main idea and supporting details of spoken language that incorporates familiar vocabulary and structures and respond appropriately.
Reading - Students will understand selected written materials on various topics.
Speaking - Students will apply knowledge of French pronunciation and intonation patterns in various situations.
Writing - Students will respond to statements or questions in French; write compositions and conversations on selected topics, which incorporate description, detail and accurate grammatical structures.
Culture - Students will explain how aspects of the French-speaking culture differ from their own and discuss the influence of the French-speaking culture in the global community.

English as a Second Language (ESL): English, albeit the universal language, isn’t exactly the easiest to learn. One challenge most non-English speakers face is the accent from their native tongue, which can affect how people understand them when trying to communicate in English. Translating words can also be extremely challenging, especially when stringing it into phrases or sentences. If you are currently in this situation, it’s alright to feel frustrated at some point, but never give up. These roadblocks can be eliminated if you are willing to immerse yourself in this much-needed subject. Formal classes in English is one of the most effective ways in understanding the ins and outs of the English language. This traditional, classroom setting approach has served many people well over the years and is still the most preferable way to learn English.

We are located in Milpitas, CA and can be reached by phone, email, or in person. If you have any questions then please feel free to drop us a line.